Research interests

  • Electronic transport in nanostructures
  • Superconducting hybrid nanodevices
  • Topological materials and resilience to disorder and external perturbations
  • Quantum Hall effects
  • Light-matter interaction and Floquet engineering


2023- Postdoctoral research, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Ifimac

  • Group: Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Rafael Sánchez, Pablo Burset Atienza

2019-2023 PhD in Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Disertation title: “Quantum transport in Dirac materials under external fields and disorder” [ download here ]
  • Advisors: Francisco Domı́nguez-Adame Acosta and Rafael A. Molina Fernández FPU Fellow 2019 (Spanish Ministry of Universities)
  • Score: Excellent cum laude
  • 1/9/22-1/12/22 Research stay in Klaus Richter group at Universität Regensburg, Germany

2018-2019 Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Master’s Thesis: ”Effects of the external fields on the surface states of Weyl semimetals”
  • Average 9.53/10. High honors in Complex Systems and Master’s Thesis

2014-2018 Bachelor in Physics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  • Speciatlization in Fundamental Physics
  • Bachelor’s Thesis: ”Electron optics systems: graphene-based electronic lenses”
  • Average: 8.66/10. High honors in Physics Fundamental II, Mathematics, Electromagnetism I , Solid State Physics, Materials Physics, Bachelor’s Thesis

2015–2020 Bachelor in Music Performance, Centro Superior Katarina Gurska. Piano playing with advisor Y. Ananiev.


The list is available online at .

Contributions in conferences and workshops

7/2023 QTYR23, oral contribution. CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

5/2023 Dynamical control of quantum materials 2023, poster contribution. MPIPKS, Dresden,


3/2023 DPG-skm Dresden 2023, oral contribution. TU-Dresden, Dresden, Germany.

2/2023 GEFES 2023 Salamanca, poster contribution. Salamanca Univesrity, Salamanca, Spain.

9/2022 DPG-skm Regensburg 2022, poster contribution. Regensburg University, Regensburg, Germany.

8/2022 CMD29 Manchester, oral contribution. Manchester, United Kingdom.

6/2022 Quantum 2022 Barcelona, oral contribution. Barcelona, Spain.

6/2022 XVIII GISC workshop, oral contribution. Complutense Univesrity, Madrid, Spain.

6/2022 Nano 2022 Sevilla, oral contribution. Seville, Spain.

3/2022 APS March Meeting 2022, oral contribution. Online.

10/2021 VI Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación, Aprendizaje y Cooperación CINAIC 2021, oral contribution. Universitad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

06/2021 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, oral contribution. Online.

05/2021 Quantum Information in Spain (ICE) 6, poster contribution. Online.

03/2021 APS March Meeting 2021, oral contribution. Online.

09/2020 CMD2020GEFES, oral contribution. Online.

10/2019 NanoGateway International Conference Mission 10000: Quantum Science & Technologies, poster contribution. INL, Braga, Portugal.

07/2018 International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices, poster contribution. CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

Teaching experience

2019-2023 Physics Laboratory II (Mechanics), Bachelor in Physics, Complutense University of Madrid. Total number of teaching hours: 96 h.

2022-2023 Data Visualization in Blender, organization of a course for PhD students. Project INNOVA number 158. Complutese University of Madrid.

09/2021 Taller de transporte en la nanoescala (translation: “Workshop on nanoscale quantum trasport”), organization and tutorials for undergraduate students (20h). Project INNOVA number 140. Complutese University of Madrid.

2018-2020 Últimos Avances en Fı́sica de la Materia Condensada (translation: “New trends in Condensed Matter Physics”), organization committee of the worshop for Bachelor and Master students (10h). Project INNOVA number 23 (2018) and 207 (2019). Complutese University of Madrid.

Competitive Fellows and Grants

11/2021-10/2023 Fellow for university teachers training (Ayuda para Formación de Profesoraro Universitario), Spanish Ministry of Universities. Scholarship for financing the PhD undergraduated students.

02-05/2019 Jae Intro Scholarship, introduction to research in the IEM, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

2018-2019 Excelence Master’s Scholarship UCM, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

2017-2018 Department collaboration scholarship (Beca de colaboración del MECD) in the Materials Department, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

2014-2015 Excelence Scholarship Comunidad de Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain.


08/2021 Topological Matter School 2021, DIPC, online.

09/2019 Course: Emergence of Quantum Phases in Novel Materials, ICMM - CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

06-07/2018 Cecam Summer School on Classical and Quantum Monte Carlo methods for Material Science, Nanotechnology and Biophysics, Sissa, Trieste, Italy.

07/2016 Carbon nanoforms and their scientific and social impact, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Escorial, Spain.


Programming Python, Matlab, Fortran

Software LaTeX, Mathematica, Maple

Edition Blender, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, Sibelius

Languages Italian and Spanish (native languages); English (fluent); Japanese (basic)